Academics » Student Technology » Curricular and Educational Online Resources

Curricular and Educational Online Resources

With the distribution of iPads comes an exciting world of instructional opportunities and strategies to engage our students in the 21st-century learning skills of communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity.
There are a number of excellent online educational resources that benefit students, many of which provide unique learning and educational experiences.  Interactive web resources provide some of the most compelling and engaging educational tools for students. While allowing access to these interactive online educational resources, it is important for us to protect your child’s online privacy and personal information. Teachers, curriculum departments, and an electronic resource review process review the apps and sites requested and review the privacy statements. Quaker Valley must ensure that the sites and applications are going to be used for educational purposes and enhance the curriculum through student engagement. Below is a list of Quaker Valley's approved online resources that are essential to our educational programming. These services may provide teachers with student data or results for educational purposes and planning.
Please click on the name of the resource to view the privacy policy.
District-wide Resources
Edgeworth and Osborne Elementary School Resources
Middle School Resources