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Food Services

Carla Escribano, Ed.D, RDN, LDN
Director of Food and Nutrition Services

[email protected]
Pam Fiejdasz
Administrative Assistant, Food Services
Carla Escribano
Universal Free Breakfast Announcement

We are excited to continue to serve delicious and nutritious meals in the 2024-2025 school year. This year a lunch meal will cost $3.35. Premium meals are available at the Middle School & High School for $4.00. A premium meal is more labor-intensive to prepare. If students do not take a complete meal, they will be charged a la carte pricing. Adult lunches are $4.90.

All Quaker Valley students will have the accessibility to order Breakfast and Lunch for every instructional day.  The meals provided will continue to follow all of the nutritional guidelines, including all five food groups (milk, fruits, vegetable, meat, carbohydrate). 

At all schools, there is a hot meal lunch choice plus the "Daily Alternative" meals. In addition to the advertised lunch, there is a variety of a la carte items from which to choose for purchase. Please visit the "Menus" tab on the right side of this page. *Please Note: Due to national and regional supply shortages, the menu is subject to change.*

If you have any questions or concerns regarding a student transaction, please contact the Food Service Director within 25 days of the transaction in question.

Quaker Valley follows federal nutrition standards:
Age-­appropriate calorie limits
Larger servings of vegetables and fruits (Students must take at least 1⁄2 cup of fruits or vegetables to count toward the meal price)
A wider variety of vegetables, including dark green, red/orange, and legumes
Fat-free or 1% milk (Flavored milk must be fat-free)
Whole grains
Less sodium

QV Café at Edgeworth Elementary School 412-749-3635
Diane Bell, Cafeteria Lead
Kathleen Ascher, Cashier
Angele Dossou, Worker
Bree Teal, Monitor
QV Café at Osborne Elementary School 412-749-4006
Shannon Homan, Cafeteria Lead
Noleen Hess, Cashier
Elizabeth Capitano, Worker
Crystal Rattay, Worker
Wanda Wright, Worker
QV Café at Middle School 412-749-5068
Brenda Kovacs, Cafeteria Lead
Peggy Casillas, Cashier
Estelle Kreutzer, Cashier
Clareanne Best, Worker
Alec Kreutzer, Worker

QV Café at High School 412-749-6023
Sonia Zeigler, Cafeteria Lead
Ashlee Himme, Cashier
Spencer Crane, Worker
Deliarose Moeller, Worker
Flex Workers
Cheryl Kemna, Flex Worker
Diane Reno, Flex Worker

Food Service Forms & Links
Please visit to pay for school meals with a credit card, view patron participation report as well as patron balance.
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