Visual Arts
The visual arts are an integral part of Quaker Valley's curricular programs. Our visual arts classes at the elementary level not only provide exposure to techniques for an array of mediums as well as learning about artists and art history but also support the regular classroom curriculum when appropriate. If the first grade class is studying the oceans and sea life and rehearsing a performance with a “fish" theme, they may also be creating, glazing and firing ceramic sea creatures in the art room kiln.
Artist in Residence programs enhance instruction and art clubs are popular among elementary and middle school students.
Every middle school student has art classes during all three years they attend Quaker Valley Middle School. Each May eighth grade students participate in a “life as an artist" unit, creating original one-of-a-kind art, exhibiting and selling their works at Sweetwater Art Center; the students experience the business side of a being a visual artist.
Approximately 300 high school students enroll in visual arts classes, including AP studio art, and more than 100 enroll in digital arts classes.
Annually, the district exhibits student art from all schools at the Sewickley Public Library, and one school hosts a district-wide art show in the spring to showcase student talents.