The QV iPad App Portal for Students
Access to Apple's App Store and iTunes is restricted for QVSD students on their iPads. In their place, all students will have an app called the App Portal. Students may only download and use apps that have been approved by QVSD teachers and administration for classroom and school use. There are different apps available for students in elementary, middle, and high school.
Students should look for this app on their iPad.

Within the App Portal students will see a list of apps that have been approved and are supported by QVSD for instructional purposes.
A few of these apps include:
- Google Drive: G Suite for Education is a suite of free Google apps tailored specifically for schools. G Suite tools are cloud-based and scale easily across classrooms. The Docs, Sheets, and Slides tools contained in Google Drive allow students and teachers to store, share and organize assignments, documents, or class curriculum securely and access them from any device at any time.

- Schoology: Quaker Valley utilizes the learning management system Schoology. With Schoology, students can digitally receive and submit assignments, access class materials and resources, participate in interactive group discussions, receive announcements, get feedback from the teacher, complete checks for understanding, and much, much more.

To install an app from the App Portal, students will:
Tap on the App Portal app

Touch the app to install (All apps are listed alphabetically.) If you do not see a list of apps, be sure that that the Apps tab is selected at the bottom of the screen.

Tap on the yellow install icon and then click Close on the confirmation message. Tap the Home Button to return to the home page of the iPad. The app may take a few minutes to install.