Academics » Early Childhood » AIU Head Start Program

AIU Head Start Program

The AIU Head Start Program provides preschool children with a comprehensive, flexible program designed to reinforce and respond to the unique strengths and needs of each individual child and family. The program offers services that include health and wellness, education, social services, and family engagement and support.
Call 1-412-394-4594 to Enroll
Through the various models, Head Start supports a greater degree of school readiness skills and social competence in preschool children. To achieve this goal a nationally recognized/ research-based curriculum is provided that promotes self-confidence, academic awareness, social interactions, and wellness.In most cases, four-year-old children will have a classroom experience. In most cases, three-year-old children will start with an in-home teacher.

If your child is three or four and not eligible for Kindergarten. 
If you are currently receiving TANF cash, SSI, are homeless or a foster parent for the three or four year old child. 
If you fall within or near the income guidelines.

How Do I Start The Process?
Call (412) 394-4594 or click here for Online Recruitment
What Do I Need to Get Ready?Birth Certificate or other proof of birth
Verification of income (tax documents, 2 pay stubs, SSI or TANF letters)
Immunization records
Disability documentation  (if applicable)
Custody or court documents (if applicable)
Health insurance card (if available)