Global Scholars Program
Other Global Electives
Criminal & Civil Law
AP Psychology
Additional courses will be added as they are developed.The Global Scholars Program is offered to students in grades 9-12 grade at Quaker Valley High School.
Students who enroll in the program have an opportunity to:
- explore global issues in-depth and hear from experts in the field.
- discuss and debate global issues with students in the United States and from other countries.
- actively participate in global simulations, seminars, book clubs, to name a few.
- hear of scholarship opportunities to travel abroad.
- learn of global careers and the needed skills.
Students also have an opportunity to earn a “Global Scholars Credential.” See the "Credential" information below for more information.
For more information about the Global Scholars Program, please contact:
Mrs. Jennifer Matthews
412-749-5557 x2110
[email protected]
Global Scholars Credential
While all Quaker Valley High School students matriculate through a relevant, globally focused curriculum emphasizing future forward skill development, students who wish to explore global topics in more depth independently may earn the Global Scholars Credential as part of the Global Scholars Program. To earn the Global Scholars Credential, students are required to do the following:
Global Scholars Credential (Classes of 2024 and 2025)
- Obtain a grade of B- or better on 5 credits worth of Global Scholars Core Courses (see below).
- Complete three courses (4.5 Credits) of World Language study at the high school level. The three courses can be progressively higher levels of the same World Language or any combination of World Languages and
- Complete all required coursework for graduation and four courses of Global Scholars Electives with at least one Technology/Science Elective and at least one of the Art and Expression, Music or Language Arts
Independently participate in a series of global enrichment experiences (50 credits) and demonstrate learning through a portfolio of works. Experiences may include, but are not limited to study abroad, global dual-enrollment coursework, global enrichment workshops, videoconferences, seminars, or study
Global Scholars Credential (Class of 2026 and beyond)
Students must do the following to achieve the credential by the end of their senior year:
- Complete all required QVHS graduation
- Obtain a minimum GPA of 3.0 (B average)
- Complete three courses (4.5 Credits) of World Language study at the high school level. The three courses can be progressively higher levels of the same World Language or any combination of World Languages and
- During at least three years of high school (including the senior year), students must participate in at least two of three annual Global Scholars Conferences (sponsored by the University Center for International Studies at the University of Pittsburgh). The conferences enhance student understanding of classroom learning, give them a real sense of the challenges in the debate and decision-making process, and promote international
- For each Global Scholars conference, the Global Scholars Coordinator will assign students countries and agenda items/issues they will debate and resolve at the event. To earn the Global Scholars credential, students must prepare at least one pre-written position paper for a corresponding conference during a school year (minimum of three position papers during the three years of conference participation).
Enrichment Experiences
- 50 credits of global enrichment experiences
- Meet yearly with Global Scholars Coordinator for experience approvals and tracking towards the Global Scholars Certificate
- Demonstration of learning tracked through a portfolio
- Exit interview with members of the Global Scholars Committee
The global enrichment experiences may include, but are not limited to:
- Travel Abroad
- Host Exchange Student (Germany)
- Global Conferences/Workshops/Seminars:
- World Affairs Institute for Global Leaders
- Model UN – Univ. of Pitt.
- African Summit
- Global Career Exploration
- Guest Speakers
- Paying it Forward / Volunteer Outreach
- Movie/Documentary Reviews
- Videoconferences
- Book Clubs
- Field Trips
- Independent Opportunities: Approved by Coordinator
- Food Festivals
- Music and Art
- Study Abroad
*** See Mrs. Matthews for information on the credits available for enrichment experiences. (Note: There are maximums on credits for experiences.)
Identified Global Scholars Courses
Core Courses
21st Century English
AP English
9th & 10th Grade Language Arts (all levels)
CHS Argument, Communication & Rhetoric
Global Civics
AP European History
AP Macroeconomics
Contemporary Global Studies
World History (All Levels)
Biology (All Levels)
Environmental Biology
World Language Courses
All courses, all levels
Global Electives
Art & Expression Electives
Ceramics I
Ceramics II
Metals and Jewelry
Beginning Drawing + Painting
Intermediate Drawing + Painting
Advanced Drawing + Painting
Introduction to Digital Imaging
Introduction to Computer Illustration
Advanced Digital Imaging
Advanced Computer Illustration
3D Design and Animation
AP Studio Art
AP Art History
Honors Band
Concert Band
String Orchestra
Concert Choir
Music Theory I
Music Theory II
Keyboard Lab
Jazz Ensemble
Stage Lighting and Sound
AP Music Theory
Language Arts
Introduction to Journalism
Documentary Research and Production
Film Writing and Appreciation
Science and Technology Electives
Introduction to Web Design
Advanced Web Design
Introduction to Networking
Introduction to Computer Programming
Introduction to Java Program
Technology Literacy
Cisco Academy QVO
Engineering Design QVO
Game Design QVO
AP Computer Science QVO
Exploring Technology
Transportation Technology
Construction Technology/Stage Design
Honor Research Science
Ethical Issues in Science
AP Environmental Science
Or a 4th year of Science can count as an elective