About QVSD » Alumni & Reunions

Alumni & Reunions

Please send requests for posting reunion or alumni information to Michelle Dietz, Director of Communications, at [email protected] or 412-749-3623.

Upcoming Reunions

Quaker Valley Class of 1969 - The Quaker Valley Class of 1969 invites classmates to participate in the following reunion events:

  • Friday, Oct. 4 – Attend QV Homecoming game @ 7pm
  • Saturday, Oct. 5 – Casual Get-Together at Hilton Garden Inn, 9600 University Blvd, Moon Twp, PA
    • No RSVP needed, cash bar & restaurant
  • Sunday, Oct. 6 – Reunion 5-10pm at Hilton Garden Inn, 9600 University Blvd, Moon Twp, PA
Email [email protected] for information.

Reunion Websites

Some classes use these sites to post reunion information. You may want to check them occasionally. 

AlumniClass.com Quaker Valley High School
Classmates.com QV Junior High School | QV High School
Facebook: www.facebook.com (search Quaker Valley)

Note: Quaker Valley School District is not responsible for the accuracy of the information or content posted on this webpage. All information is provided at the request of the alumnus. Links are provided only as a resource for reunion information.

Transcript Request Forms: click here

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