School Counselors
Dr. Danielle Schultz (A-L)
[email protected]
Dr. Matthew Parrish (M-Z)
[email protected]
Peggy Wick, Counseling/Guidance Clerk
[email protected]
Quaker Valley Middle School Counselors support the academic success, social/emotional well-being, and career development of ALL students. QVMS School Counselors deliver services to students through school-wide programming, classroom lessons, group counseling, individual counseling, and individual student planning. School counselors collaborate with parents, teachers, and administrators to support students' success.

Students can request to see their School Counselor by coming to the School Counseling office or by requesting a meeting using the QR code outside the school counseling office. The school counselors also have signs displayed around the school with the QR code. Students can also submit a Request to See the School Counselor here or click the image below.
We encourage students to “pop” in to see the school counselor when needed. School counselors meet with students about a variety of topics, including:
- Grief & loss
- Study skills
- Making and keeping friends
- Organizational skills
- Stress
- Worry/Anxiety
- Grades
- Future planning
- And many, many more!
Parents and caregivers can contact the school counseling office anytime. Below are some other helpful district links.
Bullying Report Form
Bullying Policy
SAP Referral Form
School Counselors' Presentation 2021-2022
Mrs. Schultz and Dr. Parrish, QVMS School Counselors, spoke at the HSA meeting on September 9th. Take a look at their presentation and tips for students and families for resetting, relating, and reframing for the 2021-2022 school year!
Counselors' HSA Presentation | Reset, Relate & Reframe