Schools » Middle School » Quaker Valley Middle School

Quaker Valley Middle School

Image depicts QVMS students and staff around the QV logo on the football field. The words "Quaker Valley Middle School 2024 National Blue Ribbon School are superimposed over the image with the QV logo and National Blue Ribbon Schools logo.
QVMS Attendance Office: Complete online form If form is not working properly, please email Peggy Wick at [email protected] in our attendance office.

Mobile Fingerprinting Available - February 18
The Osborne and Edgeworth HSAs are sponsoring a Mobile Fingerprinting session on February 18 from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 2:30 PM – 3:00 PM. Any adult interested in volunteering at Quaker Valley who needs new FBI Clearances is welcome to participate. registration instructions | IdentoGo registration website

8th Grade Students and Parents Letter from QVHS
The QVHS community wants the eighth graders to have a valuable experience and understands the

importance of a successful start to the high school transition. To support this, the QVHS team has planned two upcoming events to begin preparing your student for ninth grade:

  • Middle School Visit and 8th Grade Presentation: On Tuesday, March 4th Mrs. Samantha Banks and Dr. Gina Gordon, school counselors at QVHS, will visit the eighth graders at the middle school to further explain the transition process. This will be an opportunity for students to learn the basics and to ask questions.
  • 8th Grade High School Orientation Presentation: This orientation will be presented in-person on Wednesday, March 12th from 7:00 – 8:00 pm in the High School auditorium. Both students and parents are encouraged to participate. The presentation will provide an overview of our programs and the scheduling process. High school professionals and current high school students will contribute and provide perspectives on their high school experiences view letter
QVMS Creekers is Back!
QVMS Creekers is returning to the middle school this year. Creekers is for students in grades 6th-8th after school from 3-4:30 pm. Meetings will be held twice a month on Wednesdays. To sign-up, please fill out the form here.

6th Grade and Elementary Track and Field (Spring 2025)
This Spring, Ryan Kelly, Quaker Valley Middle School Track and Field Coach is again offering a track and field opportunity for Quaker Valley Middle School students in 6th grade and Quaker Valley elementary students in grades 3-5. This opportunity is to provide students exposure to all that track and field offers and provide them with time to be instructed in the events of sprinting, distance running, hurdling, jumping, and throwing in a practice setting. This opportunity will occur on the track at Quaker Valley Middle School (GPS Address: 618 Harbaugh Street, Sewickley, PA 15143) from 8-10 AM on Saturday, March 29, 2025, Saturday, April 5, 2025, and Saturday, April 12, 2025. All relevant information for this track and field opportunity is included in the document below. If your student-athlete is interested in participating in this track and field opportunity, please reach out to Ryan Kelly via email and thank you for your interest. registration info
QVMS 7th/8th Girls Lacrosse Sign-Ups (Spring 2025)
Girls interested in 7th and 8th grade (U14) girls lacrosse are asked to complete the linked form to both indicate interest and provide contact information so that student-athletes as well as their parents/guardians can receive more information as we get closer to the start of the season, which begins in early March. If you have any questions, please contact the team managers: Marie Borstelmann and Kara McCune at [email protected].
SVLAX 7th/8th Boys Lacrosse Sign Ups (Spring 2025)
NEW for this year, 7th and 8th grade (U14) boys register for lacrosse via the SVLAX website: The middle school boys team (7th and 8th grade) will continue to play in the WYPLA like last year, but registration is through SVLAX. Practices will start in March and rotate between Quaker Valley's field and Sewickley Academy's field. Games will run April through May. SVLAX will continue to run programming for all players up to 6th grade. More information and registration can be found HERE
ParentSquare Communication Platform
Quaker Valley School District now uses ParentSquare for school communication. Parents/guardians, staff members, middle and high school students, and others will receive important updates and notices via text and email notifications. We encourage parents/guardians to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app, which is available for download both in the App Store and on Google Play. 
Learn more about ParentSquare and how to use it here.

Quaker Valley Middle School
618 Harbaugh Street
Sewickley, PA 15143 map

Phone: 412-749-5000
Fax: 412-749-9844

Grades: 6-8

School Hours: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM


Dr. Anthony Mooney

Assistant Principal
Mrs. Katy Chapman

Administrative Assistants
Lara Hemwall
Alanna Oros

Peggy Wick
Attendance Form

Dr. Danielle Schultz (A-L)
Dr. Matthew Parrish (M-Z)

Ilse Karto