Schools » Middle School » Positive Behavior Model

Positive Behavior Model

School-wide Positive Behavior RecognitionQuaker Valley Middle School has been designated a model school for the Pennsylvania’s School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports program. External program evaluators rated the program extremely high during a site visit and evaluation.

During the site visit and evaluation, professionals from PaTTAN (Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network) and other experts in Positive Behavior Support conducted interviews with the building principal, guidance counselor as well as several teachers and students.

According to PaTTAN, School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports is a proactive approach to discipline that promotes appropriate student behavior and increased learning. Traditionally, models of school discipline tend to be reactive – focusing on student misbehavior that results in punitive consequences.

The purpose of the Pennsylvania Positive Behavior Support Network’s recognition system is to identify and publicly recognize schools for successful implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. In addition, it affords schools and districts the opportunity to accurately self-reflect on their progress implementing and sustaining the program.

Quaker Valley Middle School was recognized for the implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports with fidelity in the 2021-2022 school year. Tier 1-2-3 Implementation with Fidelity recognizes that schools have implemented PBIS programs at each level and have scored at or above the percentages designated by the assessment tools used to measure their programming.

Learn more about Pennsylvania’s School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (SWPBIS) Monthly Themes

September – Respect
October – Digital Citizenship
November – Generosity
December – Perseverance
January – Acceptance
February – Kindness
March & April – Mindfulness
May – Gratitude

The QVMS PBIS Team thanks the local businesses who donated gift cards to be given to students who exhibit positive behaviors throughout the school year. Thank you for supporting our students!