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Student Services

Jennifer Shroads
Director of Student Services
[email protected]
Jennifer Shroads


Leah Wells
Assistant to Director of Student Services
School Psychologist
[email protected]

Leah Wells

Dr. Maggie Schaming
School Psychologist
[email protected]

Dr. Maggie Mazzotta

Briana Halyak

Administrative Assistant, Student Services
[email protected]

Caitlynn Bohach
Psychology Intern
412-749-5557 x3500
[email protected]

The Student Services Department of Quaker Valley School District is responsible for overseeing programming in specialized areas such as:

  • Special Education
  • Chapter 15 / Section 504 Service Agreements
  • School Counseling Services
  • School Psychology Services
  • School Health Services
  • High End Learner and Gifted Support
Student Services is responsible for understanding and working with technical provisions of programing as described by regulations and federal and state law. These include Chapter 14 for Special Education, Chapter 16 for High End Learners, and Chapter 15/504 for Service Agreements.
Change in Age of Eligibility for Free and Appropriate Public Education

As of September 5, 2023, the Pennsylvania Department of Education has changed the law that students receiving special education services can stay in school until the day before their 22nd birthday.  This change allows all 2023 grads, who aged out at 21, to come back if they want to participate until they reach the age of 22.  Please visit the link below for information about the amended law.  If after reviewing the link you have any additional questions, please contact Jennifer Shroads, Director of Student Services at 412-749-3632 or [email protected]

QVSD Special Education Plan
Every three years QVSD is required to revise its Special Education plan as part of the Comprehensive Planning process.  The school district's special education plan is an action plan that describes the district's commitment to ensure that a quality education will be provided to each of its students with a disability eligible for special education, over the upcoming three years. Quaker Valley's plan is due to PDE by July 31, 2022. The plan, which requires school board approval prior to submission, must also be available to the public for a 28-day review process. Quaker Valley's draft plan was posted on the district's website Monday, May 16, and is available for preview in hard copy at the district office until Tuesday, June 14 when the board will vote on the plan that will be in place through June 2025. Anyone who has questions or comments on the proposed plan should reach out to Jennifer Shroads, Director of Student Services at [email protected]