Osborne Elementary School
Mobile Fingerprinting Available - February 18
The Osborne and Edgeworth HSAs are sponsoring a Mobile Fingerprinting session on February 18 from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 2:30 PM – 3:00 PM. Any adult interested in volunteering at Quaker Valley who needs new FBI Clearances is welcome to participate. registration instructions | IdentoGo registration website
Sign Up for Kindergarten Roundup for 2025-2026 - February 18 & 19
Kindergarten Roundup for the 2025-2026 school year will be held at Edgeworth Elementary on February 18 and 19, 2025. Parents and their incoming kindergarten student(s) are invited to attend Kindergarten Roundup. Parents can select a time slot using THIS LINK. Kindergarten Roundup is an opportunity for your child to meet the kindergarten teachers. Mobile fingerprinting services will be available on February 18 for those wishing to register as volunteers in our schools. More information on these services will be forthcoming.
No KIndergarten Classes February 18 & 19
Quaker Valley School District will be holding Kindergarten Round-up for incoming kindergarten students for the 2025-2026 school year on Tuesday, February 18 and Wednesday, February 19. Because the District’s kindergarten teachers will be running Kindergarten Round-up, there will be no school for current kindergarten students on Tuesday, February 18 and Wednesday, February 19. Your child’s kindergarten teacher will be providing some optional learning activities through parent square that you and your child can work on if interested. These activities will not be collected by your child’s teacher. Kindergarten classes for current kindergarten students will resume on Thursday, February 20. We appreciate your flexibility as we prepare for our incoming kindergarten friends!
Kindergarten Registration for 2025-2026 Now Open
Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open! To complete the registration forms, please follow all instructions on our District Registration page. Kindergarten registration is best completed on a laptop or desktop computer. By completing the Registration form, we will have your contact information for future kindergarten notifications.
School Spelling Bee Results
Congratulations to 5th Grader Emmy Long who won the school Spelling Bee. She will represent Osborne in the online preliminary round of the Western PA Regional Spelling Bee; the top fifteen spellers from that competition will advance to the in-person regional bee in March. Fourth grader Nathan Picarsic came in second place, and fifth grader Lily Seidensticker finished in third. Congratulations to these students for their awesome spelling - we had a record-setting number of rounds this year!
Quaker Valley School District now uses ParentSquare for school communication. Parents/guardians, staff members, middle and high school students, and others will receive important updates and notices via text and email notifications. We encourage parents/guardians to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app, which is available for download both in the App Store and on Google Play.
Learn more about ParentSquare and how to use it here.
You can now preorder your 2024-25 Osborne Yearbook. View the flyer below for details. view flyer
Osborne Elementary
1414 Beaver Road
Sewickley, PA 15143 map
Fax: 412-741-7369
School Hours: 9:00 AM - 3:40 PM
Benny Canan
@OsElementaryQV (Instagram)
Administrative Assistant
Karen Schurman
Tori Goettman
Leah Lindenfelser
Rebecca Benedict