Creese Memorial Fund
Chief James E. Creese was a good friend to Edgeworth Elementary during his 34-year tenure as police officer and chief of police for Edgeworth Borough. All seven of his children attended Edgeworth Elementary including Karen Creese who passed away at age 36 - just one month following the death of Chief Creese. The Creese Memorial Fund has been established in their memory and in recognition of the special place Edgeworth Elementary faculty, staff and students had in their hearts. The Creese Memorial Fund is intended for children who might benefit from a little helping hand to more fully participate during their time at Edgeworth Elementary. Administered by the guidance department and overseen by the children of Chief James E. Creese, the Creese Memorial Fund provides for children with unique needs based on family circumstance.
Examples of how the Creese Memorial Fund has helped:
- Instruments for children who wouldn’t normally be able to afford them
- An “extra lunch program” for kids who are on subsidized lunches, but not getting enough to eat
- A “buy a book program” for use by teachers to ensure children in their classroom who might not be able to afford a book during the book fairs are to feel a part of it and buy a book.
- Assistance to children in need of extra help in the classroom due to family circumstance or illness.
If you know a child in need at Edgeworth Elementary, contact Jessica Jackson, school counselor, who can identify ways that the Memorial Fund might help.
If you are interested in making a contribution to the fund, you may do so via check payable to:
Creese Memorial Fund
c/o Mary (Creese) Edwards
20 Culdee Road
Pinehurst, NC 28374